September 2019 Cbi Labour Market Update


Challenging Times Ahead for Security Recruitment

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What will 2022 bring for those in the security sector looking to move roles, develop skills, achieve a pay rise or promotion or recruit others?

Talent attraction is yesterday’s statement – today it’s all about Talent Discovery, where recruitment agility is essential to identify niche groups to promote your opportunities. Examples include groups for ethnic minorities, gender-based, Gen Z tech, networks for specific age generations and platforms for LGBTQ. The real takeaway is that this form of attraction route brings balance to diversity in the workforce. Companies will have to facilitate training for roles that are difficult to recruit to establish go-to talent pools.

Incorporating Diversity and Inclusion values within this widens the net further and makes a strong statement that the organisation is taking POSITIVE ACTION (NOT positive discrimination) to address the imbalance. For the first time, we are managing a cross-generational workforce as many choose to remain in the workforce post-retirement age. You may be attracting Millennials who are ‘tech savvy’ but the leap in tech innovations means your Gen Zs who are ‘tech native’ are probably the most adept, with the skills many seek to attract.

Thank you for reading.